Official Languages of UNO

There are six official working languages recognized by the United Nations, These are (1) Chinese, (2) English, (3) French, (4)Russian, (...

Basic Information about Islam

Islam in Arabic means obedience and submissiveness. It is named religiously Islam because it commands obedience and submiss...

National Days of Some Countries (January)

                                    January Date Country Day January 1 ...

The National Library Vienna (Austria)

The National Library of Vienna is considered to be the one of the largest library in the world established in 18th century. It contains a...

Argentine at a Glance

National Name : Republica Argentina Area : 1,068,296 sq mi (2,766,890 sq km) Capital : Buenos Aires Largest City : Buenos Aires Ot...

List of Cricket World Cup Tournaments

Year Venue Winner Runners-up 1975 England West Indies ...

List of Phobias (Alphabet "A")

Ablutophobia Fear of washing or bathing Acarophobia Fear of itching or of the insects that cau...

Diseases caused by Insects

Ants Dysentry, Colera, Enteric Fever Bugs Anthrax, Leprosy Mosquito ...

Facts about Languages spoken in the World

Language with most number of speakers Mandarin Chinese (1.08 billion) Language isolate with most num...

Some Facts about the Universe

Distance of the Sun from the Earth 149,597,900 km Diameter of Sun 1,392,520 km Diameter of...

Minerals and their Primary Producers

Aluminium USA, Russia Bauxite Austrailia, Jamaica Chromium Indonesi...